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Discover Your Superpower

Chaunell Walker • Jan 20, 2019

Super Who? Super You!

What's your superpower? The primary response I get to that question is, “I don't have one.” Being in the weight loss and wellness industry, I've come across so many people struggling with self-worth. I tell ya, it's a plague to humanity!

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily mean Marvel or DC Comics type of superpowers. Unless, you have a secret you wanna share (wink, wink)!

Listen up people. I believe every single human being is born with a set of superpowers that makes them unique and adds value to the world around them in some way. Every. Human. Being. So that includes you too.

OK, I hear ya, I hear ya, ”I WISH I had superpowers! Don't you think I'd know if I had superpowers?” That's what you were thinking, right? Thing is, you may not be able to recognize your superpowers. It’s not unusual for people to diminish and discount their strengths or even disqualify them because their skills, talents, and or gifts come so naturally.

I personally have several superpowers, but one that stands out most is Positive Energy Transmission. There's probably a technical term for what I'm about to describe. If there is, do me a favor and leave the term in the comments for me please and thank you <smooches>. For now, I'd like to call it Positive Energy Transmission.

 I can remember from being a child and to this day hearing people say, “She's always so happy,” “Just talking to you made me feel better,” “That text message you sent me was just what I needed.” Or, with tears dripping, “How did you know I needed a hug – you don't even know me!” Somehow, even as a child I instinctively and intuitively shared my oversupply of positive energy, oftentimes, with people who seemed to have more than enough. Only to find, those people were running on empty.

 It was many years before I accepted the fact that this ability to transmit positive energy the way I do is not inherent in everyone. Everyone doesn't get that "feeling" or "sense" for the same things I do. Once I accepted that fact, I began a journey of learning how to protect my positive energy from people, environments, and thought processes that once took advantage of, drained and robbed me of my superpowers, thus becoming my Kryptonite. Been there, learned that.

How Do I Discover My Superpower?

Your superpower is usually directly related to something somewhat contradictory. For example, you may not like a big to-do made about your good deeds, but love to shine a light on someone else's. Consider this, just about every superhero story begins with loss, pain or struggle of some kind that eventually leads to the discovery of the power within. 

Real life Superheroes offer the notion of hope, inspire us to live our dreams and be our best perfectly imperfect selves. Traditional schools and teachers don't nurture this and once we graduate (if we graduate), jobs don't either. We’re pressured to conform to someone's idea of who we should be. We forget about our superpowers later in life because our parents and teachers ignore, minimize, or even attack our authentic natures. Even worse, we abandon our true selves to adopt a societal image and do “what everyone else is doing” to be considered successful.

Ask yourself these 6 main questions to discover your superpower:

1. What comes naturally to you?

Take your time to think and identify areas in which you excel without much effort - things you may have been doing even as a child. Or, things that may sometimes take you out of your comfort-zone, yet you appear confident and seemingly fearless to others!

2. What are you passionate about?

What do you love to do, read about, talk about, dream about? What could you do over and over again without tiring of it? What gets your full attention? Do you have a favorite hobby? Where do you spend your leisure time?

3. What makes you a little weird?

Do you tend to say or do things that go against the grain? Keep in mind, the most wonderful minds and superpowers come from those who embraced their weirdness.

4. What would you do if money wasn't a limitation?

If you won the lottery and became rich overnight, would you still be doing what you're doing now? If not, what would change?

5. What do people love about you?

Do people often ask you for your opinion or advice? Chances are you have a skill or talent you take for granted that your family and friends cherish. Pay attention to these clues.

6. Are you more in-tune with your senses than others?

Are you able to create a vision for yourself or others? Can you help people work as a team? Are you an empath? Do people feel better after talking with you or being in your presence? Are you good with details? Are you intuitive? Do you have an excellent memory?

Meditate on those 6 main questions and you will discover you have more superpowers than you thought. Embrace your new found powers and apply the insight you've received.

Superpowers Don't Make You A Superhero

A person choosing to use their superpowers to improve the lives of others is what makes a Superhero. The challenges, courage to face fears, struggles and decisions made equips and strengthens a Superhero beyond normal human powers.

 Identifying our own superpowers helps us appreciate the superpowers of others. The more I understand my strengths, the more I understand that my weaknesses were never meant to make me inferior, they were meant to unify. Where I'm weak, you're strong and vice versa. We're “Better Together!”

Again, I ask, what is your superpower? Drop me a line in the comments section. I hope I've encouraged you to dust off your cape and soar, but take the mask off, will ya?! The world would be a better place if we knew your “secret identity." Promise.

Live Love & Prosper,
Coach Nell

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